Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Come on, hair!

 I need motivation to grow my natural color back!  

So, today marks the 7th day of my (kind of) ridiculous experiment....

 I was scrolling through Pinterest (like always), and found a way to FINALLY grow out this pixie cut! Sort of....

 -Here is the Pinterest Link and This is one of the many websites that I found, claiming that my hair can grow 3-4 in in ONE week.-

  I am a research junkie, meaning I find as many facts as I can, as many websites as I can, and as many tips as I can. Especially when it comes to hair. But some things I just have to test out for myself :)
 Basically, here are the steps: warm olive oil, put all over your head, put your head upside down for 4 minutes, leave in for 2 HOURS! and wash it out...
 It could work, right?? ;)

 These were my thoughts when I was contemplating trying this crazy experiment:
- Olive oil is GREAT for your hair, so even if it dosent work, my hair will feel amazing
- 2 FREAKING hours.....wow, that seems excessive
- If it works, I will do this every day of my life, and finally have long hair again lol
- Circulation to the head will actually stimulate hair growth, so theres a truth in this
- This is so gross
- My husband is going to think this is so weird (and he did) lol
- Your hair grows 1/2in in a month at max, so no way will this work...

But, I tried it anyways, because you never know, right? :)

So here's what I did every morning:
~ Took 4 tbs of olive oil and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds (just enough to get warm).
~ Put it all over my hair (succeeding in getting it all over the bathroom sink/mirror...oh, and me too).
~ Looked like a complete weirdo hanging my head upside-down off the bed for 4 minutes or more (thankfully my hunny was at work the whole time).
~ Cleaned the house and did laundry (avoiding windows) for 2 whole hours, wiping olive oil off my neck every 30 seconds :P (until I started wrapping my hair in a towel I didnt care if oil got on it...SO much easier).
~ Wash my hair at least 2-3 times to try and get it out.
~ Feel how amazingingly soft my hair felt :)

So, I did it for 7 days and the results are.....duh duh duh duhhhhh......

It grew!!

 Not a whole 3-4 in though!! Only, MAYBE, 1/2in - 1in. My hair feels amazing, though, super soft and shiny....but no flowing locks :( Was it worth it? Honestly....no. I got extremely annoyed with it by the 3rd day!! I looked weird, felt gross, got it everywhere, and was constantly worried that someone was going to come to the door and see me! lol

I think this would be a GREAT mask for someone that has damaged ends, extremely dry hair, curly/frizzy hair, or just wants to treat their hair and feel amazing!

 Would I try this again? Maybe for a day. (I loved how my hair felt after) But DEFINITELY not for a whole week again, or for the whole 2 hours. 

 So try it out if you want, but know you'll only get maybe 1in of growth.

Did any of you guys try this? What were your results? I want to know! :)

Anything youd like to see me test out?

Love, Brittany

P.S I think Im going to try No-'Poo, and tell you all about it! :) Any thoughts, or experiences you want to share? :)

Photo from Pinterest

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Helloooo 2014!

Hey everyone!! Happy 2014!! Who knows what will happen and what path God will put us on this year!
 Im super excited to start blogging again! My last blog was Perfectly Polished, and that was almost 2 years ago!! Well Im going to talk about a lot more then nails in this blog! This past year has changed me SO much, and Im excited to show you! :)

 Here are some of the highlights of my 2013!

I totaled my Dads jeep in January, on my way to work in a snowstorm. (the only time I called out of work) Causing a broken street sign and a slight concussion.

I graduated cosmetology school in October, doing 1500 hours, in 12 1/2 months! Finally after working full time and being a student full time!

 I got married to the best guy ever in October! <3

                                                              (Just some of my favorites) ;)

I turned 20 in November. (no pictures because, well, I didnt have any lol)

   We had a terrible ice storm In December!!

 Thats Vince, our baby ;)

And of course had our first Christmas and NYE together as a married couple!

So tell me, what were your highlights of 2013?

Love, Brittany