Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Come on, hair!

 I need motivation to grow my natural color back!  

So, today marks the 7th day of my (kind of) ridiculous experiment....

 I was scrolling through Pinterest (like always), and found a way to FINALLY grow out this pixie cut! Sort of....

 -Here is the Pinterest Link and This is one of the many websites that I found, claiming that my hair can grow 3-4 in in ONE week.-

  I am a research junkie, meaning I find as many facts as I can, as many websites as I can, and as many tips as I can. Especially when it comes to hair. But some things I just have to test out for myself :)
 Basically, here are the steps: warm olive oil, put all over your head, put your head upside down for 4 minutes, leave in for 2 HOURS! and wash it out...
 It could work, right?? ;)

 These were my thoughts when I was contemplating trying this crazy experiment:
- Olive oil is GREAT for your hair, so even if it dosent work, my hair will feel amazing
- 2 FREAKING hours.....wow, that seems excessive
- If it works, I will do this every day of my life, and finally have long hair again lol
- Circulation to the head will actually stimulate hair growth, so theres a truth in this
- This is so gross
- My husband is going to think this is so weird (and he did) lol
- Your hair grows 1/2in in a month at max, so no way will this work...

But, I tried it anyways, because you never know, right? :)

So here's what I did every morning:
~ Took 4 tbs of olive oil and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds (just enough to get warm).
~ Put it all over my hair (succeeding in getting it all over the bathroom sink/mirror...oh, and me too).
~ Looked like a complete weirdo hanging my head upside-down off the bed for 4 minutes or more (thankfully my hunny was at work the whole time).
~ Cleaned the house and did laundry (avoiding windows) for 2 whole hours, wiping olive oil off my neck every 30 seconds :P (until I started wrapping my hair in a towel I didnt care if oil got on it...SO much easier).
~ Wash my hair at least 2-3 times to try and get it out.
~ Feel how amazingingly soft my hair felt :)

So, I did it for 7 days and the results are.....duh duh duh duhhhhh......

It grew!!

 Not a whole 3-4 in though!! Only, MAYBE, 1/2in - 1in. My hair feels amazing, though, super soft and shiny....but no flowing locks :( Was it worth it? Honestly....no. I got extremely annoyed with it by the 3rd day!! I looked weird, felt gross, got it everywhere, and was constantly worried that someone was going to come to the door and see me! lol

I think this would be a GREAT mask for someone that has damaged ends, extremely dry hair, curly/frizzy hair, or just wants to treat their hair and feel amazing!

 Would I try this again? Maybe for a day. (I loved how my hair felt after) But DEFINITELY not for a whole week again, or for the whole 2 hours. 

 So try it out if you want, but know you'll only get maybe 1in of growth.

Did any of you guys try this? What were your results? I want to know! :)

Anything youd like to see me test out?

Love, Brittany

P.S I think Im going to try No-'Poo, and tell you all about it! :) Any thoughts, or experiences you want to share? :)

Photo from Pinterest

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