Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Flower Challenge: The Explination

Hey guys!! So, I havent posted in a whileeeee because things have been super busy in Keen land. But, with the start of a new month Ive decided to take on a new challenge. (because i cant resist a challenge ;)) What is it?? Well read on my friends :)

 Anyone who wears make up religiously has done this (and dont deny it, I know things ;)): You're in a rush.... got up late, got home late, whatever. Your going out and you dont have makeup on, you  look in the mirror and you see:
(Jabba the Hutt for you non-geeks out there)
 And instead of shaking that image out of your head, your thoughts get worse....Im so ugly, what will people say, Uggggggggggggg.

 So with that you either a) Run to your makeup bag and spend those precious minutes making sure you look "perfect" causing you to be late b) Try your hand at driving and being a makeup artist at the same time (DONT TRY THIS! Trust me) or c) go throughout the day thinking that everyone is staring and thinking how horrible you look without makeup! Which honestly, I doubt anyone will notice or *Gasp* care.
And I am JUST as guilty!! Ive always struggled with self-esteem issues and because of that, I seem to hide behind my makeup! Phew, I actually admitted that!

Ive been wearing makeup since I was 13 (just eyeshadow and then everything else at 16) and I can only think of a couple of days that Ive gone without it completely since then!! (But the whole time thinking c).
 I do have my days that that I wear hardly any makeup at all, but eyeliner (black liquid) is a MUST! I just dont feel myself/pretty without it!
 My husband it great though, he's ALWAYS said that I dont neeeeed makeup! He actually prefers me without it! Since we've been married, Ive finally been able to not wear it around the house. He never understands why I love it so much or *cough cough*  use it as a crutch if I was honest with myself.

 And Ive heard it all before "why do you need it?" " God loves you just the way you are" which He does ,but thats not the point "Well I think you're pretty without it" But, honestly, if you say those things to someone with low self-esteem, and a poor image of themselves it doesnt go to far before their negative thoughts squash it like a bug! 

 My body image HAS gotten better over the past year or so, but there is still some things that I hold on to, and hide behind because "thats what make me beautiful, not just being me". Ex. Clothes, hair, and especially makeup.. Trying new things, styles, or pretty much anything to alter the way I look.

Well this month Im going to tackle those issues and using you guys as an accountability group (lucky you;)), tell about my struggles before and now and how I got (or am getting) over them
 This month Im going to fight the need for things to make me feel good about myself and start seeing myself as the woman God created me!!

 Being a cosmetologist, I will give you beauty tips that I learned. Being a christian, Ill tell you what the Bible says about beauty, and being opinionated, Ill share my 2 cents. ;)

So to start off, the only time I will wear makeup is to 2 special events that are going on this month (just to look professional). And I will work more to appreciate the skin that I am in, and better ways to care for it!

If you want to join me, let me know!! I would love to know that Im not alone in this! Lets blossom this May and show the world that we ARE beautiful, because we think so, not just when they tell us that we are. :)

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