Friday, May 9, 2014

Mayflower Challenge: One week in

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised  ~ Proverbs 31:30

So! The first (and probably hardest) week of not wearing any makeup has passed!!! If you're doing this with me, pat yourself on the back!! :) Way to go!! You're one step closer to being content with yourself!! 

 DISCLAIMER! I am not at all against makeup.... I actually love it! BUT I do think it is wrong when you try to ALTER yourself with make up, to make you look completely different or more "sculpted". I am all for ENHANCING the way you look with complementary colors, evening out your skin tone, and figuring out what looks best on you. But altering is just wrong in my opinion!
 Side note, did you know that most makeup artists, hairstylists and companies believe that the Oval face shape is the perfect face shape? And most of them try to give you the illusion or try to alter your face to make the "perfect" oval. Terrible, right? If you have a oval face shape, great! Embrace it! But for those of us who do not, we need to accept our face shape and work with what we have, instead of striving to match a standard that we could never reach without surgery.

Today is my 7th day! I had to skip a day because on Saturday I wore makeup for a wedding that I was styling the hair for, so that took a day off. And honestly, I couldve gone without it! Sure, I felt prettier, but my face felt greasy and caked on.....not a good feeling. :P 

 This past week was definitely the hardest for me personally! I went to church, went out with friends, took the girl I nanny out to town, and went town with the Hubby. All places that I would plaster on the makeup so I could look a certain way. So at first I felt very self-conscious; looking down and kind of wallowing in the lie that I wasn't good enough. I found myself hiding behind my glasses, and avoiding mirrors, hoping that people wouldn't see that I didn't have makeup on. BUT after a while that faded, I would forget that I didn't have makeup on, bounced back to myself and was able to look in the mirror without cringing! YAY! :)

What Ive learned so far:
1) I really don't NEED it to feel better about myself!

2) People really didn't notice!
3) People (even strangers) didn't treat me any different then they would before.
4) My skin feels better (even though its adjusting and acting weird)
5) It feels awesome to rub your eyes without smudging anything....Give it a try! Seriously try it! Doesn't it feel nice? :)
6) I'm focusing more on the quality and precision of the way makeup is done. (through tutorials and photos)

 Last week, to help me get over my fear of letting people see me without make up, I jumped right in and posted selfies (yes, I hate that word,too) of me and my bare naked face on facebook and instagram.... so people of the world, here's my face:  (they're from my phone, so quality is ehhh)
                                           That's my baby Marvel ^^ So cute, right?

None of these are edited in any way!  Showing my face was honestly the best thing I did! People saw me without my makeup, so I felt like I didn't have to hide it anymore! I wasn't fishing for compliments when I did this, but I got a lot of positive feedback!

So? What was the hardest thing for you this week? Let me know!! Dare to show me your pictures? Hashtag #itookthemayflowerchallenge on instagram and I will for sure look at them! 
I am going to continue not wearing makeup for this month, but I think I might add another thing this week! (like I said, I love challenges!)  hahaha